First Prize
Under 25 Award
Download here the musical program that will be required during the competition.
from 9am to 6pm
Sala Bottesini, Fondazione San Domenico, Crema
from 9am to 6pm
Sala Bottesini, Fondazione San Domenico, Crema
from 2pm to 6pm
Sala Bottesini, Fondazione San Domenico, Crema
In memory of Giulia Duse
With Jiayu Jin, winner of CMC 2023
It will then be announced which double bass players will move on to the 2nd round
Sala Pietro da Cemmo, Crema
Accessible only to enrolled doublebass players
Fondazione Stauffer, Cremona
From 10am to 4pm
Sala Rossa del Palazzo Vescovile, Crema
``Fondazione Comunitaria della Provincia di Cremona``
5.00 pm
Teatro San Domenico, Crema
Walter Stauffer
Camera di Commercio Cremona
Banco BPM
Rotary Milano Est
Any other prizes or prize concerts may be provided by the organization
Orchestra Bottesini
Maestro Enrico Fagone
Help us to support music, culture and young talents
Help us to support music, culture and young talents